Forgiving the Cubs

Holding a grudge is hard work. I’ve ignored the Chicago Cubs for 3 seasons, because they embraced the BLM madness. All of corporate America did. Look at this pic! Over George Floyd, a second story man and drug addict!

The anti-white hysteria of that era was bizarre. That’s fading away very slowly. NYC was torched and looted and cops were assaulted and murdered during two BLM attacks.

I grew up a Cubs’ fan, watching the games on black and white TV on WGN, with Jack Brickhouse announcing the games. Ernie Banks, Billy Williams and Ron Santo. The romance of the hundred year drought was the background of my childhood.

When my mom and dad were still alive, I traveled to Kankakee once a year to spend a few days with them and to attend a game at Wrigley. When the era of live-streaming arrived, I subscribed to so that I could watch all the Cubs’ games.

MLB’s capitulation to BLM outraged me. I cut off my subscription and ceased reading the daily Cubs’ stories in the Sun-Times and Tribune. Why should I support anti-white racist corporations? The BLM psy-ops was part of the sabotage and rigging of the 2020 presidential election. Why should I condone that crime?

Cubs appear to have a contending team this season. I’m slowly giving up my boycott and following the team. Staying angry demands too much energy. Reading the daily game story, studying the stats a bit, and watching a game here and there… well, it gets my mind off politics.

Better method of spending my time. Better getting into some friendly quarrels with fellow fans, rather than brutal, blood curdling political arguments. 

I haven’t re-subscribed to Might wait until the last couple of months of the season to see if the Cubs remain a contender. On a yearly basis, a one team subscription costs about $25/month. If I wait until September, the price will probably go down.

When the Cubs play the Mets or Yankees, I get the NY cable feeds of the games, so I don’t have to pay for them. That’s 10 regular season games. The Cubs are a very popular team, so ESPN carries quite a few games on their cable channel. I can probably watch 20 games for free on cable.

MLB makes it difficult to cancel your subscription. I did that back during the BLM Reign of Terror. I need to limit my subscription costs. I’m an old retired Cub fan living on a sort of fixed budget.

Author: howlinsteve

Multimedia Artist, Musician

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